[kara short form for karaoke + oche «geese» in Italian language] is a staging of a karaoke bar frequented not only by people but also by geese, lobsters and giant roasted chickens.
It is a theatrical experience that mixes the atmosphere of a karaoke bar with surreal elements. The staging of the venue will be inspired by karaoke bars where anyone can perform songs of their favorite authors, surrounded by performers disguised as unusual characters: geese and other guys that dance, sing and serve tables on stage.

KaraOCHE works on the boundary between observing and being observed, on the gap between reality and fiction, between human and non-human.
The challenge is to make the viewer active, participating and creative agent in the dramaturgy.



Autor and director_ Lucia Di Pietro.

Performer_ Lucia Di Pietro, Nicola Simone Cisternino, Giordana Patumi, Sara Sguotti.

The choreographies, the unreleased music and the lyrics are the result of co-creation with me/the performers.

Scenes_ Lucia Di Pietro, Rossana La Verde.

Light Design_Giorgio Peri.

Costumes_ Rossana La Verde.

Video-Lyrics_ Valentina Rizzi.

Production_ Stalker Teatro, Nuova Opera finanziata dal bando SIAE Per Chi Crea 2023.

Co-production_ Indisciplinarte Terni.

Artistic residency_ Spazio K – Kinkaleri, Sa Manifattura – Fuorimargine, Residenza NAOCrea 2024 – Ariella Vidach AiEP, Centrale Fies.

50 min

A network of collaborations with professional figures who support the collaboration with Lucia Di Pietro and the artistic cast of KaraOCHE is kept active.

Giulia Muroni: art co-director Fuorimargine
Massimo Mancini: director Sardegna Teatro
Ornella D’Agostino: art director Carovana SMI, Cagliari
Marco Betti: curator of the dance program of the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria
Stefania Rossi and Nora Mercuri: Karaoke entertainers in the province of Terni
Salvo Lombardo: director and performer (Cie Chiasma) and art director of Interazioni Festival, Roma
Linda Di Pietro: art director of BASE Milano
Stefano Bosco: director Stalker Teatro and Officine CAOS, Torino
Edoardo Donatini: art director Contemporanea Festival, Prato
Compagnia Kinkaleri, Prato
Elisabetta Consonni: art director Orlando Festival, Bergamo
Maria Chemello: executive curator Centrale Fies, Centro di ricerca per le arti performative contemporanee